Design/Build Projects

Spring 1996 - A House For A Low Income Resident

Sam Mockbee, Bruce Alonzo Goff Professor of Creative Architecture

The Division of Architecture at the University of Oklahoma first Design/Build Project was the construction of a new house for a low income family in Norman, Oklahoma. With the assistance of a contract with the City of Norman the Division was pleased to be involved in this worthwhile community project. This project was an important part of our mission as a major state institution and contributor to this community and provided both critical practical experience and essential social awareness to our students.

We built a one story low-income single family home of approximately 950 square feet. Located at 629 East Grey Street, it included a covered porch and carport and replaced a dilapidated house that was on the site. Because this was the Division's inaugural project at constructing a house utilizing student labor, conventional construction material and techniques were used. Emphasis wwa placed on developing proper procedures to ensure adequate safety to the workers and provide for timely construction progress. We used this project to set the ground work to maintain this as an annual project of the Division.

The house was inspired by Professor Samuel Mockbee, our 1995 Bruce Alonzo Goff Professor of Creative Architecture. Professor Mockbee taught at Auburn University, where in their Rural Design Studio he guided students through the process of designing and building housing for the poor. Professor Mockbee challenged our students to design and build a house. With the assistance of the City of Norman a client was identified and the students spent the Fall semester meeting with the client and designing the new house. Under the direction of Professor William Bauman, each individual student proposed a design to the client. Comments were then used by the team to combine ideas into one solution that meets the client's needs and preferences. The house was primarily built by students of the Division, providing critical hands-on construction experience.


Front Elevation

Side Elevation