Say cheese

Photo by Bill Carter, Transcript Chief Photographer
Norman Transcript - 8/28/2001

Ground was "re-broken" Monday on an extension to the Health for Friends facilities at 317 E. Himes.

The ground was dedicated to the extension following the removal of an old house adjacent to the property

The house was removed several weeks ago, almost literally paving the way for the extension.

Participating in the dedication (from left) are HFF office manager Julie Lovegrove; United Way of Cleveland County representative Andy Paden; Kathey Hopper, vice president of Norman Regional Hospital; Gary Clinton, Norman NPHO; NRH Director of Community Services Paula Price; HFF Founder Kathy Heiple; OU professor Bill Bauman, liaison with the OU School of Architecture; Brad Taylor, HFF Board president; HFF nurse Sheila Bartels and HFF Executive Director Maurine Garton.

Garton said that HFF still needs community help to defray the costs of the building project, as well as to continue providing medical help to those who need it.